European Prosecutor
Frédéric Baab is the former French National Member and President of the counterterrorism team at Eurojust, a position he held from 2014 to 2019. Prior to this, he worked for four years as liaison magistrate in Germany, and for three years as President of the Court of Dunkirk. He was then diplomatic adviser to the French Minister for Justice, Christiane Taubira, who published a common statement with the German Minister for Justice, Sabine Leutheussser-Schnarrenberger, calling for the creation of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Regional office in France
Délégation du Parquet Européen en France
4 Boulevard du Palais
Cour d’Appel de Paris
75001 Paris
Phone: (+33) 187892311
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Emmanuel Chirat
- Mona Popescu Boulin
- Emmanuelle Fraysse
- David Touvet
- Anaïs Taïbi-Lecoeur
- Pierre Walter De Monte
- Cécile Soriano
Report a crime
Signaler une infraction
Documents in local language(s)
25 JUNE 2024
EPPO Annual Report 2023: full report (in French)
(30.68 MB - PDF)
EPPO Annual Report 2022: full report (in French)
(42.48 MB - PDF)
11 AUGUST 2023
EPPO Annual Report 2021: full report (in French)
(24.65 MB - PDF)