(Luxembourg, 5 November 2024) The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Timișoara (Romania) has accused seven individuals and two companies of subsidy fraud and forgery, involving three projects regarding the development of fruit harvesting and processing, with a value of over €1.4 million.
According to the investigation, between February 2019 and June 2024, the suspects, including a mayor, successfully applied in the name of two companies for three projects financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). They allegedly falsified documents regarding the information of the beneficiary of the projects and the employees of the companies to proof their eligibility to apply for the projects.
In the early stages of the investigation, a lawyer, who is also a suspect in this investigation, encouraged certain witnesses to provide false statements, helping the main suspects and obstructing the investigation.
The European Delegated Prosecutor in charge of the investigation ordered the detention of the seven suspects and he will request their pre-trial detention.
EPPO has seized buildings, lands and money belonging to the suspects.
The investigation and searches counted on the support of the EPPO Support Structure in Romania: Timișoara and Iași EPPO Offices (Structura de sprijin a procurorilor europeni delegați în România – Birourile Teritoriale Timișoara și Iași), Timiș County Police Inspectorate – Economic Crime Investigation Service (Inspectoratul de Poliție Județean Timiș – Serviciul de investigare a criminalității economice), Special Operations Brigade Timișoara (Brigada de Operațiuni Speciale Timiș), Organised Crime Brigade Timișoara (Brigada de combatere a criminalității organizate Timișoara) and the Mobile Group of Gendarmes Timișoara (Gruparea mobile de jandarmi Timișoara).
The EPPO is the independent public prosecution office of the European Union. It is responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU.