European Prosecutor
Andrea Venegoni joined the Italian judiciary in 1991. He worked as a judge in the Court of Savona and then as a public prosecutor in the Office of the Prosecutor of Genoa. In 2004, he started to work at an international level, as International Prosecutor in the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and then at the European Commission, at the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). From 2015, he was based at Italy’s Supreme Court of Cassation, where he held the roles of member of the Research Department, judge in tax law cases, and judge in criminal cases, before being selected for the position of Deputy Prosecutor General in the Office of the Prosecutor General at the Supreme Court of Cassation. In addition to this work, he has been expert in many projects at international level on judicial cooperation, the fight against fraud and the area of PIF offences, with organisations such as Italy’s Superior Council of the Judiciary, the Academy of European Law and the European Judicial Training Network.
In June 2023, he was appointed European Prosecutor for Italy by the Council of the EU.
Regional offices in Italy

via Triboniano n. 3
00193 Roma
Phone: (+39) 0677642433
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Mariarosa Guglielmi
- Alberto Pioletti
- Francesco Testa
- Alessandro Di Taranto
- Antonio Pastore
Via Fabio Filzi n. 22
20124 Milano
Indirizzo di invio posta/delivery address: PROCURA EUROPEA
C/O Ufficio Protocollo Via Pirelli n. 12 – 20124 Milano
Phone: (+39) 0254338500
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Giordano Ernesto Baggio
- Gaetano Ruta
- Sergio Spadaro
Via Ilio Barontini n. 16-18-20
40138 Bologna
Phone: (+39) 0512753000
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Elisa Francesca Moretti
- Pasquale Profiti
Nuovo Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Porzio Lotto 1°
Piano IV
80043 Napoli
Phone: +39 0812232577
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Maria Teresa Orlando
- Valeria Sico
Nuovo Palazzo di Giustizia
Via dell’Altare, Corpo M – Piano 1°
90138 Palermo
Phone: (+39) 0917423830
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Calogero Ferrara
- Amelia Luise
Via Fratelli Ruffini n. 9
10121 Torino
Phone: (+39) 0114329689
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Stefano Castellani
- Adriano Scudieri
Fondamenta S. Lucia 23
30121 Venezia
c/o Palazzo della Regione
Phone: (+39) 0418727901
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Donata Patricia Costa
- Emma Rizzato
Viale Dioguardi 3
70124 Bari
Phone: (+39) 0809275943
European Delegated Prosecutors:
- Michele Incani
- Teresa Iodice