(Luxembourg, 16 January 2025) – Last week, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Bucharest (Romania) filed an indictment at the Bucharest Tribunal against one Romanian citizen and one company, for fraud involving a project for the development of the Danube Delta, co-funded by the EU.
At issue is a project to expand the activities of a company active in the transport of merchandise to include also construction services, by acquiring heavy machinery, co-financed under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, supporting the development of the Danube Delta. The EU and national contribution to the project represented 70,95% of the total eligible costs. In order to receive the EU contribution, the beneficiary had to certify that he had the financial resources for his own contribution to the project.
However, according to the investigation, the defendant, acting in the interest and on behalf of the company, intentionally used forged documents and declarations, including a falsified bank statement, attesting that the company had the financial capacity necessary to implement the project.
By acting in such a way, the company is believed to have unlawfully obtained approximately €593 000 from European funds (RON 2 758 669) and around €104 000 (RON 486 824) from the national budget.
During the investigation, real estate and heavy equipment were seized, in order to compensate the estimated damage.
If found guilty, the defendant faces between three and 10 and a half years’ imprisonment. The company may face penalties of up to €420 000 and confiscation.
All persons involved are presumed innocent until proven guilty by the competent Romanian courts of law.
The EPPO is the independent public prosecution office of the European Union. It is responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests